Tag Archives: lawsuits

Employment Background Check

Employment background checks are becoming increasingly common these days. The reasons for this include the fact that negligent hiring lawsuits that result from the actions of an errant employee can damage a company’s credibility and lead to hefty fines; companies have become more selective in their choice of employees following the threat of terrorist activities; accepting a resume at face value has resulted in many companies wasting time and money due to frequent hire-and-fire situations. Also, more companies are now conducting employee background checks as information from […]

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Business Background Check

Businesses getting into a partnership or individuals looking to avail the services of a business should first conduct a business background check. This assists them in making a more informed business decision. There are several agencies that provide information on businesses; the information can include data on lawsuits, liens, bankruptcies, and corporate information. Individuals wishing to take the services of a law firm, a contractor, a car dealer, or builder can perform a business background check to try and ensure that they do not end up doing […]

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